4 Aralık 2012 Salı
27 Kasım 2012 Salı
22 Kasım 2012 Perşembe
Mazlumun zalimden öcünü aldığı gün, şüphesiz ki zalimin zulmettiği günden çok daha çetin olacaktır!..
İMAM-I ALİ (r.a)
Pillar Of Cloud
Pillar Of Cloud
This morning I woke up wondering if i’d become collateral damage
If I walked outside would the streets be hammered with air strikes from the clouds above
Would the fountains no longer spill water and instead the...
If I walked outside would the streets be hammered with air strikes from the clouds above
Would the fountains no longer spill water and instead the...
blood of my brothers and sisters
If when the children got out of school did they have homes to go to
Through the night there were no lights and the only source of power was decorating my city with genocide
I heard cries from a new born til he lost his soul while laying in his fathers arms, then later on he lost his sister and his brother was wounded
They keep saying that the war is looming but I never seen a war like this
A war like rockets landing in the backyard while a family sits at the dinner table eating
Even if it is a good morning we’re still mourning the casualties
But what I love about my people is they got so much soul, pillars falling at their feet and they still won’t fold
I watched the young and old at their knees praying cause they still hold hope close to their hearts.
Tear us apart and we’re back like together like long lost twins
We’re still walking on the clouds with our head in the stars, the end isn’t near but neither is it far.
#Long Live Gaza
If when the children got out of school did they have homes to go to
Through the night there were no lights and the only source of power was decorating my city with genocide
I heard cries from a new born til he lost his soul while laying in his fathers arms, then later on he lost his sister and his brother was wounded
They keep saying that the war is looming but I never seen a war like this
A war like rockets landing in the backyard while a family sits at the dinner table eating
Even if it is a good morning we’re still mourning the casualties
But what I love about my people is they got so much soul, pillars falling at their feet and they still won’t fold
I watched the young and old at their knees praying cause they still hold hope close to their hearts.
Tear us apart and we’re back like together like long lost twins
We’re still walking on the clouds with our head in the stars, the end isn’t near but neither is it far.
#Long Live Gaza
Sakın, Allah'ı zalimlerin yaptıklarından habersiz sanma ! Allah, onları ancak gözlerin dehşetle bakakalacağı bir güne erteliyor.
[İbrahim Suresi 42.Ayet]
19 Kasım 2012 Pazartesi
18 Kasım 2012 Pazar
17 Kasım 2012 Cumartesi
1979 yılında ABD’de Washington’a bağlı Olympia kentinden doğdu.. Eğitimini bir devlet okulunda sürdüren CORRIE mezuniyetinden sonra yazar ve oyuncu olmak istiyordu..
Olympia Adalet ve Barış Hareketi’nin de bir üyesiydi..
Başını çevirip bana ne diyebileceği sorunları , çatışmaları , sefaleti , savaşları görmezden gelmedi , devamlı surette ezilenlerin yanında oldu..
Dünyanın diğer ucundan kalkıp Filistin’e geldi.. Filistin’de evleri İsrail buldozerleri tarafından yıkılan insanların , keksin nişancılarca vurulan çocukların yanında yer aldı.. İsrail buldozerlerine karşı kendisini siper eden RACHEL CORRIE dünyanın görmezden geldiği Filistin’de yaşanan drama sessiz kalmadı.. Açlığın , sefaletin kol gezdiği , barınma hakkının bile buldozerlerce yok edildiği ve yaşama hakkının yok sayıldığı her gün çocukların keskin nişancılarca vurulduğu Filistin’de RACHEL CORRIE tüm yaşanan bu acımasızlıklara karşı durdu ve elinden geldiğince dünyaya bu küçük ülkede yaşananları duyurmaya çalıştı..
Ancak 16 Mart 2003 günü Gazze’deki Refah Mülteci Kampı’ndaki bir doktorun evini yıkmak için gelen buldozerin karşısında durduğunda , buldozeri kullanan canavarın bu kadar soysuzlaşacağını düşünmemişti..
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